Locked in time

  • "I-might," I said hesitantly,reluctant to admit that I had been half in love with him ever since my first day at shadow Grove. (tveksamt,motvillig)
  • "A lovers´ quarrel," the woman said knowingly. (gräl)
  • "What an unfortunate thing to have happen! (olycklig)
  • I´ve told Gabe over and over that he ought to carry life preservers. (borde,skydd)
  • Nore , baby, try to get a grip on yourself. (kontroll)
  • With a feeling of utter helplessness... (total)
  • She wants to be sure that he doesn't have concussion. (hjärnskakning)
  • His head hit the side of the boat, and he was knocked unconscious. (medvetslös)
  • Why would Gabe deliberately injure himself? (avsiktligt skada)
  • I felt shaky and nauseated, and my tongue was coated and sticky. (illamående)
  • His face was pale... (blek)
  • I enclosed a full month´s wages, so the girl won´t suffer any from the dismissal. (skickade,lön)
  • Why on earth did you fire the one girl you seemed to find satisfactory? (fullvärdig)
  • Dave asked, whether out of politeness of real curiosity I couldn't´t tell. (nyfikenhet)
  • ...a beautiful,young widow and her children. (änka)
  • Doesn't that strike you as a tremendous amount of coincidence? (oerhörd,tillfälligheter)
  • ...his wife must have stood to inherit a heap. (ärva,massa)
  • Immediately, I realized how futile that gesture would be. (lönlös)
  • ...I opened it quickly,before I could lose my nerve, and stepped inside. (mod)

"A plan that involves killing people off their money?"
"What I´m talking about is just one family, doing the exact same thing a number of time. I´m talking about a family with a secret, and that secret is that non of them never age."

I picked this quote because i think it´s an important part cuz it tells you the secret of the book and the answer you are looking for as a reader.

by: gjulsha


Åsa said...

Exactly! Their secret has been revealed :)