Locked in time chapter 11-15 Thursday, December 11, 2008

My wordlist:

The terrain that now enclosed us was a ghostlikke forest of palmetto shrubs and live oaks trees....(palett)

The moss-draped branches of which hung above us like shabby, gray tents.(slitsam, ovårdad)

Aginst this massive silence, the tiniest sounds were as startling as gunshots.(skrämmande)

I might, i said hesitantly, reluctant to admit that i had been half in love with him ever since my first day at Shadow Grove.(motvillig)

These deceptively delicate-looking flowers, which had been sparsely scattered through the center of this wider portion of the river, became increasingly more numerous closer to the shoreline,...(bedrägligt) (glest)

Letting the comb in my hand drop unceremoniously into the sink, i left the bathroom and hurried down the hall to Gabe´s room.(??)

Please, let me come with you!! Josie said beseechingly.

My tow-member committee was awating me in the parlor.(samling av valda personer för att behadla en viss fråga)

"A plan", i said a carefully fashioned plan. It could be a plan that has worked so well for this family that they have used it over and over down through the years" '

"A plan that involves killing people off for their money?"

This part is kind of scary and intresting because it´s the big secret that they have been trying to keep for decades and know Nore knows it. This part also tells you that the familly have done this for so many years that they have becomed proffesionals, and have it all figuered out. The cold hearted killing maybe is for getting the rich men´s money, i think.


Åsa said...

Unceremoniously means that she did it without effort, she just dropped it easily.

Beseechingly is when you ask someone to do you a favor you sometimes plead them to do it = bönfallande in Swedish

Good! you have got the secret all figured ou by now :)