Princess Diana

Diana was born year 1961 1 july and she grow up in the royel property in east England.
after Dianas parents separated , she begin on a boarding school in south England. When Diana leaved the school she became a child minder but at the same time she run the company in London. Year 1981 29 july were she the first wife to prince charles there they get married in paris and she got prince William and Harry. In august 1996 attempt Diana toget divorce.

At midnight the 31 august Dianas chauffer droved in theirs mercedes into a underground way. But at the same time they become persecuted off many french press photographer. The begining of the underground way,the car come off the road and over turned to the left sicle of the road and head on collision.
Dianas boyfriend Dodi fayed and theirs driver dead at place. but they saved Dianas life fron the car accident .They droved her to the hospital but after 2 hours later she died .

The media said that the chauffer who droved the mercedes was drunk and losed control over the car. They also said that the mercedes had serious technical problem , and that princess Diana died in the car accident and no one tried to kill her.

Its the pages that i bringed the fact from


Åsa said...

You have used the format of a news story in your article. Good!

Please check the following:
she grew up..royal..After Diana's...she began..when Diana left..she ran a company..In 1981..she married Prince Charles..Diana attempted to divorce/get divorced..drove..were followed by press photographers..their driver..died on the spot..they drove..but two hours later she was dead..lost control of the car..technical problems..
I have used this source...