My 3 important parts in the text are:

“You can’t go against your own people, your own blood!”

I picked this part because I feel familiar with it. I don’t think I can go against my own people, my own blood just when I have to. When they have done something really bad and I know that they are not going to change at all if I stand by them and if they go against me. I don’t think I am alone having those thoughts about ones own blood, I know many people feels this way. I wouldn’t give up my own people for nothing and I don’t think anybody would do that for me.

“I realized how teens are very gullible: getting tricked into doing things against their will because they want to fit in and be popular.”

I have noticed it too. I think the problem is that they have no one to look up to and no good role models. Now days teens are cool if they don go to school, if they don’t listen to anybody and if they are criminal. And it feels like money takes a larger part of people’s lives year by year and its making life harder and worse.

“Keeping this secret inside was very hard for me.”

I think keeping any secret is hard especially when it’s something big or embarrassing, something about you or ones you care about. You hardly feel safe to tell anybody and you don’t know who the right one to talk to is. To hold BIG secrets inside can even be painfully. Talking to someone you trusts is a good idea. If you secret is a bad event, try to get over it and start over. Don’t let something bad bother you forever.

by: gjulsha :)