The fredom writers.

"I wondered how they could be so different. My mother is mexican and this woman black, yet the same emotions that made them cry came from a heart that was tearing apart the same way."

I think this part is cuite interesting because she tries to find some kind of reason to how to diffrent people can feel the same thing. When really, they arent all that diffrent. The only diffrence is theire skin color, that doesnt mean that they are from to diffrent planets. But I think that because of the way she was raised, she doesnt really know taht this is true. She tells us that she was raised to always stand up for her own people. And by that I think she means latinos. So therefor I think that she was raised to belive that latinos is in one way, black in one and americans in one. and that couldn´t be more wrong. In the botom line we are all the same. It´s only the outside that makes us diffrent.

"After reading this book, I realized how teens are very gullible; getting tricked into doing things against their will because they want to fit in and be popular."

This part is so true. Some kids and teens would do anything just to fitt in and to be respected by the popular. It´s sad but it´s true. And the popular ones who does nothing but uses thees people is not the kind of group you would want to be a part of. I think that they are so unsecure in them selfs that they seek verification and finds it in the people that are affraid of them. That´s is not a life I would want for myself.

"I was only six when a friend of my father´s molested me in his home. Yet to this day, I haven´t told my parents. Keeping this secret inside was very hard for me."

I find this part very sad and heartbreaking. Because no one should have to go through this. No less a six year old child. And then not to have the curridge to talk aboute it, and just letting it grow inside is just terrible. I´m glad to say that I can´t even start to understand what she has gone trough, but I can say that I can almost imagine how horrable it must be. It´s deffinutley not something I would even wish upon my worst enemy.
