Teenage love story

I think this story is about teenagers getting what they want and her parents being 100% suportive.
Sarah didn´t think straight when she got married with Musa and got pregnant.
But after all I think that this maybe was her kind of life style, getting together with someone that she hardly even know and have a child with him. She did that twice and didn´t regret anything.
Now she is 18, a mother of 2 children and still her parents provide her. She has no job or education.
I think Musa was the smartest because he was 18 when he made Sarah pregnant and grown up according to the law. But ringing a child to earth means responsibility, and thats what he didnt have.
Now he is 23 and have settled down, started his own family.
Sarahs parents, I don´t know what they were thinking but all I know is that they did a ig, big mistake. They suported Sarah when she needed advise, when she needed help to choose right. I think her parents should have done something to help her relize that she is doning wrong.
I get a feeling that her parents where afraid to do something that would make Sarah hate them.
Then they maybe forgot how it is to be a teenager, teenagers never appreciate what parents do for their own good, they learn to appreciate it when they get older.