How to become a better writer in English part 1 Thursday, January 29, 2009

In today's class I asked you to write your answers to three questions on the story On The Bridge that was your homework for today. The questions were:

1) In your opinion, what is the most interesting/important part of this story?
2) What would you have done in a similar situation?
3) What do you think will happen next?

Keep these questions in mind when you read in the future and your focus will be a bit different from what you are used to. Keeping these questions in mind will help you move away from just memorizing words and details. It will also help you develop a personal response to a text which is a lot more rewarding both in terms of language and thought.

We also discussed what is important to you when writing a blog post or a text in class. The following ideas came up:

  1. It is important to try to think in English instead of translating from a language in which you are more comfortable
  2. It is important to think about the content of the text, your main points or ideas
  3. To try to make my ideas as clear as possible to myself and to the reader
  4. To use a mind-map or headlines to help you organize your thoughts.
  5. It is important to be aware of the grammar, especially different tenses like the past/the present to make my text easy to follow

These are all really good and valid ideas for writing. I added GENRE which is the type of text that you are writing. Your way of structuring a text depends on whether you are writing a personal narrative, a letter, a news story, an argumentative essay or a film review.

My presumption is that you are all fairly comfortable with the genre "personal narrative" so we will start there and work our way towards the more complex genres of writing. The goal is that you will all be aware of how to structure a text for a specific purpose and that you will be more confident writers.

Your homework for Tuesday February 3 is to study the sheet "Personal Narrative" that I handed out today.