freedom writers Monday, June 1, 2009


1.ANSWER: When the students were mad that their teachers would not continue with the next year. They waited for an amendment to it while their teacher was in meeting with the Principal and all other teachers. They were so happy because they had not expected a change and their teachers did everything to continue next year with them. I chose this scene because it was both sad and happy scene, their teachers were more than a mother for them, the sins evident in this scene.

2.ANSWER: When I read the book, I was very contained in the book I hung with great care and I had a good imagination of how they looked and how their personality was, but in the movie it was more interesting when I saw how they were and how their teachers were. Therefore, to read is not like to see. It was more funnier to see the movie than to read that. Because when I read a book so it takes a bit until I have a fantasy about how it looks then I get tired of the book and continue to read it later or the next day. But in the movie, I quickly and is fully concentrated.

3.ANSWER: The book was very interesting and fun but it was so complicated I hung with really good last bit of the book. The movie was a very good film, it showed how it is in reality and there is really like in, steam lives of violence, crime and racism, but then a change happens suddenly. Thus for me was the movie better than the book. The movie was also very sad. I would like to see the movie again and I will do..... :)

Sorry for I could not do homework on the time because my computer start hacking and I had to restart it many times. :)