Locked in Time Thursday, December 4, 2008

Chapter 5-10

My list of words:

While Lisette and I put the food away and started lunch preparations, Josie managed to drift surreptitiously back outside again. (i smyg, i hemlighet)

"Nore, please?" Josie said beseechingly. (med bönfall)

"I was a very precocious child," Gabe said. (tidigt utvecklad)

"What do you mean?" I asked in bewilderment. (förvirring)

We were all of us there together, and yet we did not mesh our lives. (stämma överens)

"I said, later," Gabe told her brusquely. (bryskt)

Despite her peculiarities, however, as the weeks slid past, I found myself developing a real fondness for my stepsister. (egendomlighet)

In my dream state, I got up from my bed and slipped, ghostlike, through the wall, to trail my stepmother down the hall to the room she shared with my father. (skugga, följa efter)

The candle-bearers took up the chant, growling the strange, foreign syllables rather than speaking them, as the woman in scarlet lowered the bowl and bent to hold it in turn to the lips of each of the white-clothed figures kneeling at her feet. (stavelse)

Although I knew in my rational mind that it was ridiculous to let one instance of oversleeping make me feel guilty, it was so ingrained in me to run on a regular schedule that I threw on my clothes in a rush that was almost panicky in a frantic effort to redeem myself. (gottgöra)

Honeysuckle and magnolias poured forth their respective fragrances, and the mingled scents of the various flowerladen bushes that bordered the porch had already thickened in the heat of the morning to a cloying sweetness. (sliskig)

"Sandwiches and cookies and stuff," Gabe said causticallly. (kaustikt)

The quote I chose:

"Nore Robbins is a danger." Lisette's voice was low, but the glass brought the words to my ear with the precision of a telephone receiver. "She is by far the worst threat that we have ever had fo face."
"Why?" Josie asked her. "Just tell me, why is Nore such a threat? Because Gabe likes her? Gabe's liked lots of girls! You've never objected before when he got hung up on somebody. We all of us know how those romances of his have to end."
"This is different," said Lisette, "because Nore is Chuck's daughter. She is part of the package that Gabe will soon have to deal with. But there may be even more of a problem than that, Jo. Maybe it's something to worry about, or maybe it isn't; there's no way yet to be certain what effect this may have on things. The fact is, though, that with Nore Robbins, for the first time since all this started, we are involved with someone who has an uncanny awareness of time."

It seems that Lisette is getting more and more nervous about Nore maybe finding out about their secret which, according to this quote, has something to do with time. And on the basis of what I previously read in the book and because of the title, I think that the Bergé-family is somehow locked in time and that Gabe has always been 17 and Josie 13. And ofcourse, their mother Lisette is also trapped in that same situation.
And it also seems that Lisette doesn't want Nore and Gabe to develop some sort of romance because she is afraid that Gabe might tell her their secret, and if Nore finds it out, something terrible might happen to her.
She sees her as a threat to them just because of Nore's awareness of time.


Åsa said...

Brilliant! You are definitely on to something here. A sharp observation, indeed.

"...Gabe said caustically" means that he said it sarcastically