Sample argumentative writing Sunday, March 22, 2009

In class on Thursday we decided to argue the point that vegetables are good for you. Here is our text, as promised:

Vegetables are Good for You
Introduction + background
One of the most important things in life is to stay healthy. Health issues are being discussed on TV, in magazines and online. People's lives are affected by what we eat and how we act when it comes to food. Research shows that .... (here it's a good idea to state some facts or statistics that will support our case)

One way to become more healthy is to increase your daily intake of vegetables.

3 arguments
By eating more vegetables your immune system will improve, and you will therefore be less susceptible to infections. You will also be more energetic and feel better in general. Eating vegetables will help you keep your ideal weight and you will not risk obesity in the future. Furthermore, you can make tasty, inexpensive dishes out of almost any vegetables. Some vegetables are even cheaper than meat.

Our conclusion is that eating more vegetables will serve you well. There are no good excuses not to increase your daily intake because there are plenty of vegetables to choose from.