The teenage love story Sarah&Musa Tuesday, January 20, 2009

When I first read this story in that book I couldn't belive that this story was for real. A twelve year old girl married with some guy she dosen't known, at that age you don't even know what love is, not in my age either. I think that Sarahs parants were to kind and tought that she were mature enough to made choices like this but as we can see she couldn't. At the age of 14 she were a mother of a son, the marriage was one big thing but give birth to a baby the only word I could think of is that ¨this is not a game" or something like that. I think that she dosen't known where this marrige were going and what will happen in the future but who knows what will happen in the future what Iam trying to say is that you have to think of the consequence before you decide choices like this because it will change your life and you can never get your life back. She dosen't finish school and she dosen't has a job, how could she take care of the baby alone? well her parents helped her and I hope she is very thankful of that because my parents would't helped me like that. Then at the age of 15 she have two sons which I don't really understand she hooked up with the guy next door, if I would her parents I would not allowed her to make choices like this. If Iam the mother of my child then I decide choices like this. I would never forgive myself if I allow my daughter to get married and give birth to babies if she could not support them and be there for them like a mother has to be. I can't judge her because I haven't been in her situation and I don't know the facts from all the people involved.


Mich4 said...

You have the same opinions like i do! Good written!