Barack Obama´s victory Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The main message of his speech was that they had come so far and seen so much. Barack wants them to ask their selves , if they can change so much so theirs childrens will live and see the next century. He want that their children will see what change they are going too do. He want the people to think that they can do more than they had done before,and think about how it's now and what they will do in the future, he also says that he can't make that whitout the people.

Barack attract the people by saying that they still have chance to change America, and it will be better for all of us. He want us to think better and don't be unfair and that we have to treat people like we want to be treat. He also say that he will support those who seek peace and security. Barack give them more hope that they thought they had.

Barack tells us about a woman who is 106 years old she lived a time there they had slavery and they have no cars . she couldn't vote because she was a woman and because of the color of her skin. She lived so long to see womens stand of and speak out. Now people don't trear the colored people like they did before.
¨ there is new energy to harness and new jobs to be created; new school to build and threats to meet alliances to repair ¨.
I think that he mean that he will change much and help people by creat new jobs and more children will come in to schools that will builds.

¨America , we have come so far. We have seen so much. But there is so much more to do¨.
I picked that part because he says that he will change much and do more than had been made. It's so much to do and we can do it. It's not impossible. He want to pick up the American people from Iraq and from the mountains in Afghanistan. Barack want peace in America and he dont want do begin war between the countries.


Åsa said...

I think that you sum up the essence of the speech in your post! I also agree that Obama is very much focused on the future and the improvements that he wants to make.