Have a great summer everyone!
freedom wrighters Monday, June 1, 2009
1.Describe a scene in the movie Freedom Writers that you remember well. Explain why you picked it.?
I love the seen when the teatcher reeds what everyone has written in their diarys .
I think that part goes strait to your heart, when you hear them tell whats going on in their lives and the teatcher sitts there helpless. I picked that part because i relly think that it was a beautiful seen if i can say so. You relly feel their pain and suffer.
2. Compare your reading experience to your viewing experience. What are the differences and similarities between reading the Freedom Writers diaries and watching the movie Freedom Writers, in your opinion
I really dont remenber so much of the diarys we read it wasent the same as the move, the move sticks. In the book there were a lot of feelings . I liked the move better because you can se who the characters is you understand everything more.
3. Evaluate the movie and the book (state your own personal opinion about them) OR discuss the overall message of the diaries and the movie
I think that the move and the book whants to teach us than people are the same, it dosent matter where you come from or what you skin type is. People are the same some are poor and some are homeless. And that everybody has a drem we just need to find it in our own way!
Posted by jemma 11:53 PM 0 comments
freedom writers
1.ANSWER: When the students were mad that their teachers would not continue with the next year. They waited for an amendment to it while their teacher was in meeting with the Principal and all other teachers. They were so happy because they had not expected a change and their teachers did everything to continue next year with them. I chose this scene because it was both sad and happy scene, their teachers were more than a mother for them, the sins evident in this scene.
2.ANSWER: When I read the book, I was very contained in the book I hung with great care and I had a good imagination of how they looked and how their personality was, but in the movie it was more interesting when I saw how they were and how their teachers were. Therefore, to read is not like to see. It was more funnier to see the movie than to read that. Because when I read a book so it takes a bit until I have a fantasy about how it looks then I get tired of the book and continue to read it later or the next day. But in the movie, I quickly and is fully concentrated.
3.ANSWER: The book was very interesting and fun but it was so complicated I hung with really good last bit of the book. The movie was a very good film, it showed how it is in reality and there is really like in, steam lives of violence, crime and racism, but then a change happens suddenly. Thus for me was the movie better than the book. The movie was also very sad. I would like to see the movie again and I will do..... :)
Sorry for I could not do homework on the time because my computer start hacking and I had to restart it many times. :)
Posted by sara.f 11:32 PM 0 comments
Posted by Potential Dreamer
Questions on the freedom writers:
1. I remember when Eva told Mrs. G about her situation with the consequences of her actions in court. How she was forced to go and live with her aunt and how it would affect her school work. I felt that it was really touching and I saw Eva growing as a character when she confided in someone. Anyone really. In the beginning of the movie I would never have taught that she would have the courage and the strength to cheer her problems with anyone at all. I also think that it’s a moment were Eva and Mrs. G connect and bond and it’s a beautiful moment.
2. The biggest different between reading the book and watching the movie is that when I reed the book the characters came to life in my mind. But then when I saw the movie my thoughts and opinions changed completely but it doesn’t have to mean that it’s a bad thing. I saw some similarities and some scenes was exactly as I had imagined.
3. I loved the book and the movie. It was one of the best movies I’ve seen in a long time. I can’t really state a correct and fully explained opinion on the book since I have only reed parts of it. But the pieces that I’ve reed I have loved. It’s very dark but at the same time it gives you a feeling of hope. You learn to sympathize whit the kids and you come to love their characters. I will watch this movie many times again. It’s great.
Posted by Åsa 10:45 PM 0 comments
Posted by Gjejlan
Freedom Writers
1) Describe a scene in the movie that you remember well. Explain.
- One of the scenes that i really remember is the one where the teacher is reading out loud what all of the students had written earlier, and I was amazed by how they wrote all of it. The way they described everything they went through, their feelings, the difficulties, the heartache and sorrow. i couldn't believe half of what they had been through, beeing so young and all, but it still helped me connect and relate to some of the diaries. The diaries really opened my mind about being strong and never losing faith and to countinue fighting, which the students really did. This scene touched me so much and even made me release a few tears.
- Another scene that I also remembered was the one where it showed all of the students in different places, reading Anne Franks journal. I was surprised that there were so many people that were interested in the book, that so many people wanted to read it, when they were all teenagers who hated school. I was surprised by seeing them behave so good, and wanting to read. And I was really happy, cause we got to se the good side of all these students, thats when the movie became interesting to me.
2) Compare your reading experience to your viewing experience.
- I want to start this by saying that it was both fun and interesting reading the diarys and seeing the movie. Reading the diarys was fun, but sometimes I felt that it was a bit too much to read. But watching the movie was more interesting to me, mostly cause it wasn't as boring as the diary could be sometimes, but also cause I got a better picture on what really happened, which I didn't get when I read the diarys, and that makes it boring to countinue to read.
3) Discuss the message of this story/movie.
- I think that the message of this movie is that they want to show people that there are alot of people that have problems at home, in school and everywhere else, and that it is not only for example black people, but everybody. That you shouldn't hate eachother for you background, and that you should respect others just like you want to get respect. That there is something good in everybody, and that you shouldn't look down on yourself and think that you don't know a thing, which the pupils did. Cause when they realised that they have something good in themselves too, then they started fighting. And everybody who feels the same way they did can do the same thing. Thats what I think the message of this movie was.
Posted by Åsa 10:43 PM 0 comments
1. Describe a scene in the movie Freedom Writers that you remember well. Explain why you picked it.
A scene from freedom writers that I especially remember is when a guy read a chapter from his own diary for the whole class. The text was especially meant for the teacher. He told her how a such of big difference she had made in his life and how she had taught him to belive in hope and faith. I was really touched by this scene because it shows a lot on the movie's message. You should dare to believe in yourself and feel satisfied with who you are. The teacher's purpose was to give the students self-esteem and community, this scene shows that she actually managed to do it.
2. Compare your reading experience to your viewing experience. What are the differences and similarities between reading the Freedom Writers diaries and watching the movie Freedom Writers, in your opinion?
In the diaries that we read, the characters life and feelings are more clearly explained. The movie hasn't all of the details that makes the whole story such a great one, but since the movie was very gripping and the scenes captured my interest, I prefer to watch the movie. In the movie you get a greater insight of how it really looked like and how tough the students were living. How much bias there is in our people and how much we hate each other just because we don't look the same or have the same blood. In the movie you get a clear picture of how the teacher reinforces each student's self-esteem. To previously been reading the diaries made it easier to better understand the students' and teachers' feelings during the film.
3. Evaluate the movie and the book (state your own personal opinion about them) OR discuss the overall message of the diaries and the movie.
I never expected that this movie would be as good as it was. It was above my expectations and managed to capture my interest. The main message of the book and the movie is that you should dream and believe in yourself, and that you should have respect for all your fellow human beings, regardless of race, religion or ethnic background. No matter how we look or how we act, we deserve to be treated with respect. We should not be divided into ethnic groups and start wars witch each other, we are all human beeings.
Posted by Anonymous 10:34 PM 0 comments
Last class
Hi everyone!
Tomorrow we will wrap up the discussion on Freedom Writers and I will also let you know your grade in this course. Tomorrow is our last class for this term. Please return your English books tomorrow. See you then!
Posted by Åsa 10:09 PM 0 comments
Freedom Writers
1) The scene that I picked was when Ms. Gruwell read the diaries where the students told her about how they grew up and how it has been a struggle for them to survive in the cruel society that they lived in since they were kids. It was so sad to hear what they've been through and it actually made me cry but I tried as hard as I could to hold back the tears. It was very, very emotional for me because I could understand some of the situtations the students were in. It's just a scene that you will absolutely never forget.
2) The difference between reading the book and watching the movie is that in the book, when you read, you see pictures in your mind of how things and people might look like. And when you watch the movie, some things are exactly like you pictured it in your head while some things, ofcourse, aren't. When you read the book, the feelings that the students describe are stronger and you can actually feel them yourself. It's as if you really are that person for the moment. And in the movie it's like that too except that when you watch, everything happens so fast but in the book, since you're reading it's a slower process and you get a chance to just take everything in and you feel it more than in the movie.
3) I thought that the movie was great. It was very good and so emotional. You could just feel what they were going through and I think that one of the main messages in the movie was that no matter where you live, how you look like and etc, stay in school and get an education so that you can make something out of yourself, because knowledge is power and if you have a good education you can achive greatness.
The book was also great, but I think that the book was a lot darker and more sad than the movie. When you read the book, you kind of got depressed yourself just by reading what the students were going through. But besides that, it was a very good book. And I strongly recommend everyone to either read the book or watch the movie. Or do as I sometimes do, first read the book and then watch the movie.
Posted by Zyrie 9:56 PM 0 comments
Posted by Lamiso
We must start to think before we talk about things that we don't understand. I actually picket up tow scenes!
The most finest, bravest, and justice situation in the scene was when (Eva) told the truth behind the event and faced Asian and do not own people, and this was evidence for justice and that all are equal regardless of skin color, where you came from or how you look like. She did just because she felt it is wrong to lie face to face and when she looked at the little girl that made her to be more sure, comfortable and stronger.I think she was a good person inside but her own people made her to be a bad person, because she didn't really know how the other people around her.
An other favourite scen: was when a student draw a picture of (Jamal) who he looked like Jew who called( holocaust and racial divisions) it was so degrading.I picked up this scene because the student didn't know about holocust and he just draw up but it's mean a lot of things teacher told to the students what it's meant.
2. This is almost my favorite movie. because of it I am writing stories, that don't sound like I wrote them.This movie almost made me cry, it was very emotional.I think the moive was one of the best that ever had been made,but i think that they should have put every thing on the movie that was in the book. The book is much better than anything that was told on the movie.The book has always have the little details than the movie. The movie have always the important parts or scen to show the people we must have the respect to eachother.
All stories in books does not of course to make the film on. But sometimes when you read a book so one can really see the images before them. It can even live up in the book. One can even imagine that this would make good on film.
As demonstrated for the first time the audience reacted very strongly and emontionelly.Ongood and evil, we have created a protective wall between us and the movie. We know that it can not affect us physically. But the mental image nonetheless penetrates into our consciousness.
3. When i saw the movie I cried a lot and at the same time i listened to the song of the movie. The song discribes that everybody has a dream.
I have a dream that one day the nation will rise up and understand ... that all people are created equal ... I have a dream that one day my four little children live in a nation where they will not be judged by their color, but in the content of their character. (Martin Luther King)
This really show us that we are all not just a WHITE MAN, or a BLACK MAN, we are all just HUMANS, we all deserve RESPECT each and everyone of us. Nice movie and amazing message of hope!
Posted by Åsa 9:52 PM 0 comments
freedom writers
I liked the scen where someone in the class draws a picture of an african american boy in the class. The drawing was racist aginst African american people, and mrs gruwell made a comparence to the holocaust were they drew pictures of jewish people. The students defended themselfs by saying their life was hard. Mrs gruwell starts talking about respect and its true meaning, and that the color of the skin doesnt relly mather. I think this scen was very strong it almost made me cry and I dont use to cry for movies.
I liked both. When you read, you imagin all the scens, and the book have scens that the movie dosent have, and other details. If i had to pick i would pick the book because it has more information and emotion, even thoug the movie was vary good.
I think the message of the movie was that the color of your skin doesnt matter because you still deserve and and have to give respect, we are all human beings and we shouldnt be deviding us into groups.
Posted by Maria 7:27 PM 0 comments
- I liked the scene when the teacher reads the diaries. All the stories they have written are amazing. All of them have only bad memories and they have only experienced bad events. Their stories were so touching and it made me feel compassion for this them.
- I think watching the move is better of course. The move gives you the picture to explain
even more and to make you understand and feel the movie more. The bad thing with the movie is that it didn’t have all the scenes that the book had. For me it obviously that I rather like the book then the movie, because the book have so many unnecessary details. The book can take you quiet a while to read but the movie takes you just a couple of hour. But the only thing freedom writers both the book and the movie have uncomment is that they are really good and explains filing and situations so goo that you really can feel their pain.
- I think the message is to show people that every body has problems and really hard situations to deal with and feeling bad for you or blaming somebody else is not the solution. Instead you have to accept the past, move on and do something useful with your life and your future.
I love the movie it was great.
Posted by gjulsha 7:07 PM 0 comments
Questions for Freedom Writers
I would start to say that the movie Freedom Writers was really, really good! I liked it because I have never seen a movie like that before.
1. I especially remember a scene in the movie when the teacher started a new project in the class which was to write your own diary. She really wanted to help her students feel happy and secure. I think that the teacher wasn't prepared for all students to take it so seriously. She gave them each block with blank papers and told them to write whatever is on their mind, whatever they were thinking about. The teacher told the class that if they wanted her to read their diary they could leave it on her desk, but they didn't have to if they didn't want to. When she opened her desk the next day she saw their diaries. She was really surprised. Instantly she started to read diary after diary. She noticed that all of the students lived very hard lifes and they just have negative things to write about. I can honestly say that I got Goosebumps when I saw that scene because it was painful to see how some young people can feel. I noticed that the students had just shown their tough side but when they wrote the diary they felt like they didn't have to do that anymore. For the first time they showed that they had a weak and sensitive side. They had so much faith in their teacher that they finally told their story. I really think that the teacher was wounderful and one of a kind. She cared about her student so much.
2. I think it was a really big difference between the diary I read and the movie I saw. In the movie they didn't show all the things and feelings like they desribe in the diary. But I still like the movie more than the diary because the movie was really interesting and exciting and it was high tension through the whole movie whichI liked much.
3. I think that the message of the movie Freedom Writers was to show young people how it can be to live hard lifes without no one who cares about you and see if you feel good. The movie wants to show how hard it could be to live in a dangerous area there you can't be safe because suddenly you can ending up in a dangerous sitation alone. In the movie they showed how it could be in school for some young people who didn't care about anything except troubles. At the end I think the movie was well done and I would obviously see it again!
Posted by Nadja 3:44 PM 0 comments
The Freedom Writers!!!
1) The scene I remember well is when they toast for changed and a guy in class wanted to tell his story. Everybody waited silently and listened. He told about his worse summer in life. He talked about his mother who couldn't pay the rent and she tried to help him as much as she could. She had know one to lean on and no money comming in. He said that it all started with a phonecall, the sheriff rang and he heard his mother beging for more time. His mother cried and kept apollogizing. He had no home, no safety and no help from nobody. Now he feel like he have someone who can make a difference in his life. His teacher gave him hope for a better future and maked him feel better. He said the most touching words who really touched my heart. I am home he said. That is the part were I started to cry.
I picked it because it touched my heart.
2) Between reading and watching Freedom writers it is a big difference. Because when you read you'll get more details and it is more interesting with it. The film is constructed with exitement on one thing like in the film on Eva. Some parts that happen in the book are not in the film. The similar is that the main point is in the film and the book.
3)The message from the film and the book is that everybody can change if they want to. You know that if you don't want someting you won't do it. For example if you are smoking and you are saying that you can't stop it is because you don't want to quite. In this film there is many persons in the class who changed and they changed because they wanted to. The teacher said in the end that it is not her success it is yours and shes right. The keys to this success is beliveing, hope and have this thought "I can make it".
Posted by SandraL 3:20 PM 0 comments
Freedom Writers.
At court when the latina girl was telling her view from the shop.There were 3 latino guys sitting in the court to see that she was going to tell exactly from the lie and that was that african guy shot 2 persons in the shop.As well when she was telling the story she got guilty for not telling what really happened and stopped speaking the 3 latino guys was starring at her because she's one of them and shouldn't care about the other ones.But anyhow she did tell the truth and after that she was in a serious trouble.They found her in her alley living for school and attacked her but only just for warning.
I picked this scene from the movie because there is a "war" between the africans,latinos,asians and whites.It's a silly "war" and by my opinion they should talk over why all this is as it is and find a solution about it.And why should every one suffer because of it and they shouldn't !
The movie was all great but in the diaries you could feel all the pain they were going throw even the white kid too.All the kids thought they were going throw different things but they all had the similar pain and family troubles. In the movie you only saw some of the parts from the diaries and everything wasn't included even the most juicy,if I had to say like that.
I thought the movie was great because you could see all the things you imaginated in front of you but in the book I read what the kids thought and most of them thought they wasn't worthy enough.The movie diractors should have included everything and I know that the movie would have been longer but I think that it would have been better than a short movie because it is a great truthfully-strory behind it.
Posted by Faiza 1:04 PM 0 comments