Freedom Writers Sunday, May 31, 2009

In the first task, I try to give 2 complex, important scenes which interested me.
• Life was a crisis for many people, witch made that life be very difficult for everyone living in the society. The people were divided into groups and it was not a good environment for all especially those who have different backgrounds, where they felt threatened. Which lead to young people affected by hopeless. So it was also difficult to find someone that comfort and support you, when you are in bad situations. Erin, she I want to write about she did that was very interesting and gave the movie a nice picture. Because I believe that she is a strong woman, not many can have the great responsibility to educate more students who were ungrateful at the beginning if it was another teacher, it is possible that she would give up and not care about them. But Erin tried to change that by giving the hope that tomorrow will be better than today and where we wish us to die to protect our own, then we can die with respect, clearly it can not help that you can forgotten and life continues on, but if we would have strong will, our lives changed, and make that others respect us as we are. Erin is trying to have understanding for their students' situations by encouraging them to write about their own lives in a small booklet, which she bought for them. Then each student could write about their day, the book can contain everything that happens, sad and happy moments.

• It was a student she had in class that was real mad at everyone around her, especially a specific group. Her name is Eva, she had lived difficult life when she was just a small child. She saw her brother pushed to death in front of his eyes and was also his father is attacked by white policemen. Then she could not see than that she has great hatred for all those who have white skin color. So hate has growth with her. I think it brought many emotions in Eva. It must take a long time to process it. Her biggest problem was her own people, who tried to steer her by thinking instead of her. As it happened a once that they wanted from her that she should lie so that protect his people despite the fact that they were wrong, but when she met Erin was her outlook on life changed, and she could live safely in herself. Finally she refused and wanted to show that she can speak the truth without being afraid. I find it was very difficult decision that not everyone can take. That is why I think he was a strong woman and she can live life with great ability to take care of people and their rights in the future.

When I saw the movie it felt as if I had seen it before because I have read the book's diaries. Both the movie and the book were powerful and poignant, but the movie has affected me more because the movie could show me the parts that were very complex and poignant. That story could hold me beside its recordings, though they have not take addressed all of the detailed elements which we have read about in the book. Without the film, we see that they focus on the important parts, I think the purpose of this was that they did not want to make the viewer is tired of the movie, to where if they have done so may lead to that time in the film can be extended, and some parts of the film can be easily boring. A result of which may be poor judgment of most that see the movie, it wanted the does not have because it could affect sales of the film.

The film was educational and it gave me great advantage to be able to see the outside world, and by adding in other situations can all be facilitated to be able life. The purpose of the film was to explore the daily violence that the majority of students have grown up with. The movie really shows us that we are all not just a white or a black man, we are all just people and we all deserve respect and therefore should give it to each other. And it has more purpose that we must to have a little of hope because if we lose it than we don’t feel the joy I our life. The film also tries to show that people who bear the responsibility should fight for the rights of others to a good life. Because that life may be more world if we are to learn to live and be enjoy with each other.

3)the book was really good and it was interesting to read every time it was finished with a chapter wanted to just go on and read and know what happens. and in the book they write a lot that will not in the movie but I think most people like to see the movie instead of reading the book. but both the movie and the book was good

part of the movie was really good and that I remember most was when the guy came up and read what he had written. he tell how she had changed their lives and helped to become better.while I saw those I thought of many things the way others do. there are many who have the bad and live a bad life.

2)difference between the movie and the reading was that when you read .fantasize how things were going, and given how they had while it was difficult to know whether it was he. but in the movie had to know if it was the guy or girl and it was interesting to see the movie if you had read the book because they saw parts which had been read.

Homework for June 1st Thursday, May 28, 2009

Here are the questions that I want you to answer by Monday June 1st:

1. Describe a scene in the movie Freedom Writers that you remember well. Explain why you picked it.

2. Compare your reading experience to your viewing experience. What are the differences and similarities between reading the Freedom Writers diaries and watching the movie Freedom Writers, in your opinion?

3. Evaluate the movie and the book (state your own personal opinion about them) OR discuss the overall message of the diaries and the movie.

Post your answers on the blog no later than Monday June 1st at 10 pm (22:00). If you can't access the blog please e-mail me your answers.

Technical issues Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Today we had some serious technical issues in class. The computer we used to play the movie was one of the slowest computers EVER. The movie kept freezing up too. I hate it when that happens!

Thanks a lot for your patience and for staying to watch the end of the movie this afternoon.

I think the Freedom Writers is such a good movie. Hope you liked it as well.

On Thursday you will get some questions to answer. The answers to those questions will be due on Monday evening. That's the final assignment in this course. On Thursday you will also get your results of the national test back.

Movie time Monday, May 25, 2009

Tomorrow we will watch the movie Freedom Writers in class. Class starts at 11:30. Please note the time. We will finish at 1:30 pm as we normally do. Be there. Freedom Writers is a great movie, in my opinion.

Follow-up on today's homework Tuesday, May 19, 2009

For today I asked you to read the final diaries of The Freedom Writers Diary.

In class I divided you into four groups where you had to come up with four questions each on the diaries that you were assigned. The questions were then passed on for another group to answer.

We were a bit short of time for the presentation, but here are some of the discussion questions and answers that the groups came up with:

Diaries 82, 92 and 102:
What made the student in diary 102 realize that his/her mother only wanted the best for her children? - He/she realized that the mother wanted the children to have a future, and the student realized that while reading the book The Joy Luck Club.

Why did the student feel that standing outside the monument was a special moment? - Because it was the same place where Martin Luther King had stood and made a wish that black and white kids would be able to stand as one and be friends. The Freedom Writers made his wish come true when they held each other's hands at that very same place.

Diary 132:
The student in diary 132 has a dilemma about signing or not signing up to be able to play baseball. To sign or not to sign, what do you think? - Since it is a once in a life time opportunity, he will regret not signing the contract. If he takes the chance to play baseball, but fails, at least he tried and can say "I did it and I don't regret my decision".

Diaries 141 and 142:
Why do you think that the Freedom Writers did not give up on themselves? - Because they were inspired by their teacher.

If you had a disease like the student who had Cystic Fibrosis, would you have done the same thing that he/she did? - Yes, it's the right thing to do to have a successful future.


On Tuesday May 26th we will watch the movie Freedom Writers in class. Since you have a test that morning and will finish after the test, English class will start at 11:30, after you have had lunch. The movie is about 2 hours and we will finish around 1:30 pm like we normally do.

There will be a final written assignment where you will be asked to compare the diaries that we have read to the movie.

No English class on Thursday Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Remember there is no English class on Thursday May 14th. Instead you will do the homework for Tuesday and I will see all of you then!

Reading and listening is over Thursday, May 7, 2009

Today you did the reading and listening parts of the national test. Some of you thought that the word definitions on the first page of the reading comprehension were tricky.

Good thing though that we have talked about Elvis in class since the singer Wanda Jackson who was interviewed in the listening part had worked with Elvis and she was inspired by him. I'm also happy that both of the long interviews were in American English since I believe that is easier for you.

Check out this video by Wanda Jackson from a 1960s TV-show... The moves!

I handed out your homework for May 19th as well today. I will see some of you on Tuesday for the final speaking test!

Tomorrow Wednesday, May 6, 2009

See you in the classroom at 8:30 sharp for the test.

8:30 - 9:50 Reading

9:50 - 10:10 Break

10:10 - 11:00 Listening

Regular classes in the afternoon. I will give you homework for Tuesday May 19 tomorrow as well. It will be the last part of the Freedom Writers Diaries.

More practise Saturday, May 2, 2009

Check out this link for some English exercises:

Yesterday's class Friday, May 1, 2009

In yesterday's class we read the text "The Last Expedition" and we answered the questions to that one. We also finished the text "Washington Expert" where you needed to fill in one missing word in each gap. If you want to take another look at those and other assignments in preparation for the upcoming test, please see the link in my previous posts.

Today I have spent a couple of hours reading your essays. You will receive your final grade for the national test once all of the parts are completed.

I will see some of you on Tuesday and all of you on Thursday (at 8:30 sharp). Have a nice weekend!